I had thought I could start updating this Between the Walls blog and nobody would notice my photo as the blog’s author instead of Chris Yanchar, but I was wrong and some asked about Chris if he was still with Autodesk. The original author Chris Yanchar has moved positions in the company but is still with Autodesk as a Senior Manager, AEC User Experience. Chris in his new position and schedule has not been unable to continue the Between the Walls blog and handed it over to me Shaan Hurley as the new author. I am not sure if I can be Chris as those are some big shoes to fill but I will do my very best to continue Between the Walls.
I am not only the Platform Technology Evangelist for the AutoCAD product but now for a few of the vertical products such as AutoCAD Architecture (ACA or ADT). I will be posting to this blog on the new AutoCAD Architecture 2010 features which include the AutoCAD 2010 new features as well as ACA tips and tricks. I will also continue my Between the Lines blog for AutoCAD, Autodesk, and more.
For those wondering if I actually know the AutoCAD Architecture product, absolutely as I have been an ACA user since back on ADT release 1 and I am currently polishing up on the ACA 2010 release. I have multi-discipline design experience background.
See David Koch’s AutoCAD Architecture 2010 blog post on his Architecture blog The Architect's Desktop:
AutoCAD Architecture® 2010 - Editing Wall Cleanup In Place
AutoCAD Architecture has a very exciting future!
Shaan Hurley
Platform Technology Evangelist
Autodesk, Inc.